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Category: Health and Wellbeing

P3 Hospital Discharge Scheme Shortlisted for Patient Safety Award

Rachel Reeves - 28 July 2022

A joint P3-NHS initiative supporting people who are at risk of homelessness on leaving hospital has been shortlisted for a prestigious industry award.

Building Communities in Gloucestershire

Rachel Reeves - 16 March 2022

Communities are building in more ways than one in Gloucestershire, where people from the Housing Led service are involved in creating a new shelter in the local arboretum.

The P3 Wellbeing Calendar 2022

Rachel Reeves - 23 December 2021

Look after yourself and the world around you in 2022 with the P3 Wellbeing Calendar, showing significant awareness and campaigning days, weeks and months throughout the year.

Excellence Award for P3 Wolverhampton Hospital Discharge Service

Rachel Reeves - 7 December 2021

P3's Wolves Hospital Discharge Service has won the Prevention Into Action title at the annual Homeless Link Excellence Awards.