Anton's Story

Anton discusses rebuilding his life after homelessness and mental ill-health

I had a mental health breakdown a few years ago and I have physical health problems too …

I had to come out of my previous property because it was making me ill. The area had drug issues, antisocial behaviours, criminal activity and so on … that made me bad and contributed to the breakdown.

While I was under admission, I was so unwell that I couldn’t make decisions for myself … and I wasn’t complying with things I should have been doing … I had to have a mental health advocate speak on my behalf when I had a review with a psychiatrist and then I was sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

I came to P3 when I came out of hospital.

I started off in an acute mental health unit in Wolverhampton and I had to stay there for 28 days under the Mental Health Act, then stay an extra six weeks. P3 was allocated to me when I was discharged.

I moved to P3’s Stage 1 support, which is when I was staying somewhere and supported for three months with my medication and basic skills, talking to my key worker every day. There were always staff there ready to help, day and night.

Then I moved to P3’s Stage 2, where I was sharing a three-bedroom house with two lads for three or four months. Now I’m at Stage 3 and I’m in a supported flat of my own, with P3 as my landlord. Here I can manage and enjoy the little things.

Beth my support worker has come with me to my appointments and mental health patient reviews. Bless her, she’s so good to me …

When I moved to Stage 3 support, my own flat, Beth was already at the property to meet me and show me round. She did some forms with me, tenancy agreements, and helped me to set up my utility bills. She also went to the local GP to get my registration forms. She was brilliant. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better …

The support I have now at home is good. There is always someone on the end of the phone for a visit and when they come to see you they ask how you’re coping and whether you need anything. Beth would always ask if I liked my property and the location. I do, it’s very quiet. And if I’m having any struggles because I’m on medication, like collecting it or taking it, P3 help.

I’ve gone through a lot …

I’ve lost both parents, my ex-partner won’t let me see my child and I had to pay for my own DNA test. I don’t have good vibes from her at the moment. But I’ve got no substance misuse or domestic violence in my history, I’ve not been to prison, and I provide for my son. I’m trying to do well …

In time, the support team will consider whether I still need to stay here; these homes are just until you can get your own place, although I may get an extended tenancy, I don’t know. As I say, P3 will decide in time. But for today I am happy and very pleased with the support. If you want help, it’s there. You have to communicate and engage, but it’s there.