Redditch Bespoke Hoarding Support

Enabling people to overcome hoarding behaviours and
maintain their home

“I began to believe that was my lot. You provided me with the means to believe in myself and make my own decisions. I have started to get my home back.”

– Person who has used P3's Bespoke Hoarding Support

What we do

Here at P3 we understand the complexities associated with hoarding behaviours and we are able to offer bespoke support for decluttering, for people living with a hoarding disorder. We always work at a person’s pace, building the necessary trust to declutter their home and connect them to wider services to ensure their ongoing wellbeing.

When a person hoards, they often reach a point where they cannot use all the rooms in their home properly, move around freely or exit quickly in an emergency. They may also feel unable to let anyone in, meaning that they can become isolated and tradespeople cannot enter to do essential work.

We understand the effects hoarding can have on a person’s physical and mental health and how it can seem impossible to overcome.

Non-judgemental support is provided by hands-on Home Coaches who are both patient and respectful. We also link people to other relevant services where necessary, such as bereavement counselling or mental health support, and work together with them.

We can offer support if:

  • You are aged 18 or over.
  • You have a history of hoarding behaviour and your home is at risk.
  • You are a Redditch Borough Council social housing tenant.

How to access our service

If you are interested in applying for our bespoke hoarding support service, please discuss a referral with Redditch Borough Council's Housing Team.

Alternatively, please contact us to find out more:

CLICK HERE to find out more about P3 Bespoke Hoarding Services.

CLICK HERE to listen to the Homeless link podcast with P3 Charity discussiing the reasons why someone might hoard and how we are able to help.

Please take the time to read our Privacy Statement to understand how P3 will process your personal data. 

How we’re funded

The P3 bespoke hoarding service is funded by Redditch Borough Council.

Redditch BC