Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline
& Support Service

A 24/7 service in Derbyshire for your mental health concerns

This service offers a free 24/7 helpline for people in Derbyshire and Derby City who require advice about mental health.

Trained P3 mental health support staff are on hand to answer calls from members of the public. We tailor our response to each caller's situation. This may include:

  • Listening, advice and guidance
  • Practical support ideas
  • De-escalation of crisis
  • Encouragement to explore self-help options
  • Community-based resources which may be able to help
  • Onward referrals and a follow-up call if required

Our first response will be to try to avoid the need for a clinical intervention where possible; however, we are working alongside NHS clinical staff who can give advice or take ownership of calls where this is needed. 

Who we support

Support is available to people of any age living in Derbyshire/Derby City and experiencing mental health difficulties or concerns.

How to get help

The number to reach this service is (Freephone) 0800 028 0077.

If you are deaf or hard of hearing you can connect with a member of the helpline team by using SignVideo. First, call 111 using the SignVideo app or SignVideo website. You will be connected via video link to a BSL interpreter. Please tell the BSL interpreter the name of the nearest town or city you are calling from.

The BSL interpreter will ask you if you want a physical health service or a crisis mental health service. If you choose 'crisis mental health service', the interpreter will contact the helpline team and will relay questions from the team using BSL.

For further information on the helpline, you can also visit the NHS website:

Please take the time to read our Privacy Statement to understand how P3 will process your personal data. 

How we’re funded

The Mental Health Helpline is a new partnership between P3, Derbyshire Health Care NHS Foundation Trust, the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Clinical Commissioning Group.

Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash