Please note:
Services are by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Please click the button below to make an appointment for a support session.
Please contact our office on freephone 0808 196 2660 if you're unable to attend a face-to-face advice appointment, we are happy to discuss other options.
What we do
This service works alongside people who need support to maintain their home, or move on from temporary housing to a more stable place to live.
We work alongside you so that you can identify your goals, and provide support so that you can achieve them, addressing any housing-related needs along the way.
We can support you with:
- Budgeting
- Housing advice
- Managing your tenancy
- Health and wellbeing
- Signposting to other services
- Advice to access financial support
You can access this service if you are:
- Aged 25+
- At risk of losing your mortgage/tenancy or
- In temporary accommodation and need support to move on
Refer to this service
Please click the button below:
P3 Coventry
2nd Floor
James Brindley House
Phone: 0808 196 2660
>>If you have a family and are in need of support with your housing, you may be eligible for our Coventry Family Support Service.
One size fits no one…
We design our support around you, whether that’s regular appointments to address your housing needs or ongoing ‘light’ support to help you stay on track. The way you access the service is also flexible:
- 1-to-1 support in your home
- Telephone and digital support
- Keep in touch via our mobile app
This service is funded by